Increase/Remove Liquidity

Method to directly interact with the contract on

  1. Click "connect to web3" to connect your wallet.

  2. Expand "3. addLiquidity (0x51c6590a)".

  3. Enter the amount of USDT you want to add. The number should have 18 additional zeros.

    For example, if you want to add 31 USDT, you need to enter 31000000000000000000. This is because USDT has 18 decimals.

  4. Expand "9. removeLiquidity (0x9c8f9f23)".

  5. Enter the number of LHT you want to remove. LHT is the token used to add liquidity, and you can check how many you hold in your BscScan assets.

    Again, the number should have 18 additional zeros.

Last updated